Specialty therapeutic treatments designed to alleviate deep seated neuromuscular tension, bring fresh blood and oxygen to the tissues and promote detoxification of the lymphatic system.
During your consultation your treatment is tailored to accommodate to your current state of health and wellbeing. Drawing from a wide range of modalities and 15+ years experience your therapy uniquely blends Deep Tissue, Swedish and Traditional Hawaiian Temple Massage, Trigger Point Therapy, Zen Thai, Shiatsu, Osteopathic Techniques, Breath Work & Acupressure.
In House | 60 / 90 Minute | $150 / $200
Visits to Us | 60 / 90 Minute | $130 /180
Cupping Therapy
30 Minutes | $70
Moxibustion Therapy
15 Minutes | $30
Hot Stone Therapy
30 Minutes | $70
We offer pregnancy massage after the first trimester of pregnancy. Each pregnancy massage is tailored to address your presenting concerns and deliver a deep sense of peace and relaxation for you and your baby.
In House | 60 / 90 Minute | $150 / $200
Visits to Us | 60 / 90 Minute | $130 / $180
SCULPT (most loved treatment)
A three hour long, intensive treatment that is designed to drain fluid, break down stubborn fat stores and contour the lines of the body while promoting deep detoxification and restoration of the body’s tissues. The treatment includes full dry body brush, specialty lymphatic drainage, myofascial cupping and deep tissue techniques. A rich vitamin cream mask application is included to complete the treatment with additional skin tightening benifits. Visible results seen in one treatment, although multiple treatments offer more enhanced and sustainable results.
In House | $415
Visits to Us | $395
The Holy Grail of Body Treatments.
Since you’ve all loved ‘Sculpt’ so much, by popular demand ‘The Fix’ has been born. This complete 5 hour body experience takes the adored Sculpt treatment to an all new level. Think.. a deep purge, detailed spring clean and rebirth all in one. In addition to your 3 hour intensive detox treatment, you will be treated to reflexology of the hands and feet, deep organ massage and facial sculpting . A truely integrative experience that indulges the senses, frees the mind and of course sculpts the body.
In House | $720
Visits to Us | $680